Write Data into Excel Sheets in C++

Andrew Wilson
3 min readApr 3, 2024


Data is information stored in cells, and in MS Excel, you can use different tools to calculate or analyze them. This article will share how to create an Excel document and write data into specified cells with C++.

Below are two examples covered:

  • Write Text or Number Values to Cells in C++
  • Write Arrays to Specified Cell Ranges in C++

Install the C++ Library for Processing Excel

Spire.XLS for C++ is a professional Excel C++ API that can be used to create, read, write and convert Excel files in any type of C++ application. It offers object model Excel API for speeding up Excel programming in C++ platform — create new Excel documents from template, edit existing Excel documents and convert Excel files.

Click on the link below and follow the tutorial to install it.

Write Text or Number Values to Cells in C++

To assign a text value or a number value to specified cells, you can use the Worksheet->GetRange()->SetText() or Worksheet->GetRange()->SetNumberValue() method.

Sample C++ code:

#include "Spire.Xls.o.h";

using namespace Spire::Xls;

int main() {

//Specify output file path and name
std::wstring outputPath = L"Output\\";
std::wstring outputFile = outputPath + L"WriteIndividualValuesToCells.xlsx";

//Create a Workbook object
Workbook* workbook = new Workbook();

//Get the first sheet
Worksheet* sheet = workbook->GetWorksheets()->Get(0);

//Write text and numbers to the specified cells
sheet->GetRange(1, 1)->SetText(L"Date");
sheet->GetRange(1, 2)->SetText(L"Name");
sheet->GetRange(1, 3)->SetText(L"Department");
sheet->GetRange(1, 4)->SetText(L"Emp ID");

sheet->GetRange(2, 1)->SetText(L"2022-11-01");
sheet->GetRange(2, 2)->SetText(L"Smith");
sheet->GetRange(2, 3)->SetText(L"Marketing");
sheet->GetRange(2, 4)->SetNumberValue(1101);

sheet->GetRange(3, 1)->SetText(L"2022-11-22");
sheet->GetRange(3, 2)->SetText(L"Thompson");
sheet->GetRange(3, 3)->SetText(L"Human Resource");
sheet->GetRange(3, 4)->SetNumberValue(1102);

sheet->GetRange(4, 1)->SetText(L"2022-12-10");
sheet->GetRange(4, 2)->SetText(L"Russell");
sheet->GetRange(4, 3)->SetText(L"Development");
sheet->GetRange(4, 4)->SetNumberValue(1103);

//Autofit column width

//Apply style to the first row
CellStyle* style = workbook->GetStyles()->Add(L"newStyle");
sheet->GetRange(1, 1, 1, 4)->SetStyle(style);

//Save to file
workbook->SaveToFile(outputFile.c_str(), ExcelVersion::Version2016);


Write data to Excel cells in C++

Write Arrays to Specified Cell Ranges in C++

The Worksheet->InsertArray() method provided by Spire.XLS for C++ allows programmers to write vectors into the specified cell range of a worksheet. Before writing arrays to worksheets, you need to convert them to vectors.

Sample C++ code:

#include "Spire.Xls.o.h";

using namespace Spire::Xls;
using namespace std;

int main() {

//Specify output file path and name
wstring outputPath = L"Output\\";
wstring outputFile = outputPath + L"WriteArraysToCellRanges.xlsx";

//Create a Workbook object
Workbook* workbook = new Workbook();

//Get the first sheet
Worksheet* sheet = workbook->GetWorksheets()->Get(0);

//Create a one-dimensional array
wstring oneDimensionalArray[6] = { L"January", L"February", L"March", L"April", L"May", L"June" };

//Convert array to vector
vector<LPCWSTR> vec;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(oneDimensionalArray) / sizeof(oneDimensionalArray[0]); i++)

//Insert vector to worksheet
sheet->InsertArray(vec, 1, 1, false);

//Create a two-dimensional array
wstring twoDimensionalArray[4][5] = {
{L"Name", L"Age", L"Sex", L"Dept.", L"Tel."},
{L"John", L"25", L"Male", L"Puchase", L"654214"},
{L"Albert", L"24", L"Male", L"Support", L"624847"},
{L"Amy", L"26", L"Female", L"Sales", L"624758"}

//Get row number and column number
int rowNum = sizeof(twoDimensionalArray) / sizeof(twoDimensionalArray[0]);
int columnNum = sizeof(twoDimensionalArray[0]) / sizeof(twoDimensionalArray[0][0]);

//Split 2D array into multiple 1D vectors
for (size_t i = 0; i < rowNum; i++)
vector<LPCWSTR> vec_temp;
for (size_t j = 0; j < columnNum; j++)

//Insert vector into worksheet
sheet->InsertArray(vec_temp, 4 + i, 1, false);

//Autofit column width

//Apply style to the first row
CellStyle* style = workbook->GetStyles()->Add(L"newStyle");
sheet->GetRange(1, 1, 1, 6)->SetStyle(style);
sheet->GetRange(4, 1, 4, 5)->SetStyle(style);

//Save to file
workbook->SaveToFile(outputFile.c_str(), ExcelVersion::Version2016);


Write arrays to Excel cells in C++



Andrew Wilson
Andrew Wilson

Written by Andrew Wilson

Explore C#, Java and Python solutions for processing Word/Excel/PowerPoint/PDF files.

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